What is Injury Biomechanics?
Injury Biomechanics applies the principles of engineering, physics, human factors, functional anatomy and biomedical science to gain an understanding of how the human body limitations are affected when interacting with the surrounding environment. Injury Biomechanics experts reconstruct the movement, limits and forces experienced during an accident or dynamic event and evaluate the cause and severity of injuries.
Why Injury Biomechanics?
Doctors diagnose and treat; engineers design and build. Injury Biomechanics experts are uniquely positioned to bridge the gaps between these two disciplines to create an in-depth understanding of the causal link between accident and injury. The courts are increasingly restricting the scope of testimony given by experts to their fields of expertise, and in some cases disallowing or censuring witnesses for giving opinions that exceed their scope. With comprehensive education, training and experience in applied engineering, physics, human factors, functional anatomy, and biomedical science, an Injury Biomechanics expert is the correct choice when an opinion on injury causation is needed.
Why Choose LISKE?
LISKE has an international record for excellence in the field of accident and injury investigations. Our Injury Biomechanics experts function both independently and as members of multi-disciplinary teams of experts to provide peer-reviewed reports based on a high-level, in-depth understanding of technology, science and human limitations. LISKE Injury Biomechanics experts provide clarity with a detailed scientific foundation of injury causation that bridges the gap between accident reconstruction and the treating physicians. In addition, and central to the core, is a LISKE in-depth rebuttal to the misinformed and overreached opposing position. The scientific foundation and detailed analysis by LISKE Injury Biomechanics experts provides clarity on the issue of injury causation.
- Transportation
- Driver Identification
- Safety Restraints
- Premise Liability
- Product Liability
- Sport and Recreation
- Traumatic Brain Injury
Our Injury Biomechanics experts have the in-depth knowledge, training and experience to support injury causation scientific foundations and arguments in motor vehicle accident and pedestrian/cyclist cases. Through detailed review and analysis of medical records, collision dynamics, including vectoral changes in vehicle velocity, occupant dynamics, the movement limits and forces of the occupant during and after the incident, and Injury Biomechanics peer-reviewed research, our team of Injury Biomechanics experts can determine whether the diagnosed injuries are consistent with the accident. An Injury Biomechanics analysis can provide clarity on whether the forces applied, and movements experienced by the occupant during, and after, an accident could have caused a specific injury. Where injuries are claimed as the result of a low-speed collision, LISKE Injury Biomechanics experts can determine the magnitude of the forces applied during the collision, the mechanism that is needed to cause the diagnosed injuries and whether this was present during the accident. Contact a LISKE Injury Biomechanics expert today to discuss.
At times the identity of the driver may be in dispute, such as when occupants are ejected or disagree about who was driving at the time of the accident. A LISKE Injury Biomechanics analysis can identify the likely driver by determining the injuries that are consistent with being in the driver’s seat and those consistent with being a passenger.
Airbags and seatbelts are safety devices designed to protect vehicle occupants during accidents. A LISKE Injury Biomechanics analysis will demonstrate how the misuse, failure to use and even the absence of these safety devices can play a role in injury causation. Our Injury Biomechanics experts also provide opinions on how proper seatbelt use or the presence of additional airbags could have reduced the severity of the injuries.
When an incident results in a bodily injury, the parties that own and maintain the premises where it occurred may be held responsible to the injured party for damages. LISKE Injury Biomechanics experts will apply their understanding of anatomy, human kinetics and physics to any premise liability claim including slips, trips, falls and missteps, workplace accidents and assault to determine injury causation.
Personal injury can occur when a product malfunctions, is poorly designed or is used negligently. Common LISKE Injury Biomechanics expert product liability investigations include seatbelts, airbags, helmets and safety gear, but the range of possibilities is unlimited. Analysis from our Injury Biomechanics experts will determine the mechanism of injury, whether it is consistent with proper use of the product and whether the product performed as intended.
From gym equipment to organized sporting events to extreme sporting, leisure activities sometimes result in injuries. A LISKE Injury Biomechanics analysis can help establish the dynamics of the activity and how this may have caused the injuries.
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be the result of blunt force trauma, foreign object penetration and/or acceleration forces alone, and can occur in motor vehicle accidents, falls, assaults and sports injuries. By examining the acceleration forces of the head during a dynamic event, our Injury Biomechanics experts can determine the risk potential for TBI and the severity of the injury.